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During high school, a city boy met a mountain girl. She batted her eyes and he was smitten. Through her youth group, both were invited to pursue a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That’s where our story together began over five decades ago. Following college, we married, started our family, attended seminary, and upon graduation joined a mission agency. 


Dennis completed his B.A. from Lewis and Clark College with a major in religious studies, his M.Div. from Western Seminary in pastoral studies, his Th.M. in Missiology from Fuller Seminary, and his Doctor of Ministry degree from Bethel Seminary in congregational and family care. His doctoral thesis addressed the topic of recovery from betrayal.


Denise completed her B.A. in music from Westmont College, her education for her teaching credential from Cal Poly Pomona, and her Masters in Teaching from Grand Canyon University. Following retirement from elementary school teaching, she received training and certification in Christian Formation and Spiritual Direction from CFDM, Southern California. 


From 1981-1995 we lived in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and the Philippines. Our primary ministry focus was restricted access ministry. Two years at Faith Academy in the Philippines provided opportunities to serve missionaries and their families. In 1995, after accepting a U.S.-based ministry position with our agency (WorldVenture), Dennis began serving churches and global workers in the formation of strategic partnerships. 


We have served in the field of global worker member care since 1992. Years of pastoral counseling with missionaries in forty countries have deepened our understanding of the needs, challenges, and opportunities facing those in vocational ministry. In 2022, Dennis concluded his ministry with WorldVenture as director of the member care team. Stewardship of the past forty-three years of ministry has now led us to the birth of Selah Glen, fulfilling our long-term vision of hosting and leading retreats for those in vocational ministry.


Married for 50 years, our greatest blessing has been our four children, all raised in Asia. The paving stones on our journey through life are colored in both abiding joy and deep sorrow. Our second son is now in heaven. We are also grandparents to seven delightful teenage granddaughters. 


Dennis enjoys photography, taking pictures of flowers and making greeting cards, and fly fishing. Denise pursues reflective writing and gardening. As a couple, we enjoy walking or hiking, taking drives to beautiful places and spending time with granddaughters.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ. 


2 Corinthians 1:3-5



restore, renew, and refresh

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