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Dennis counsels from a biblical redemptive reference point, balancing the truths of Scripture with the grace needed to embrace God’s leading and purposes. All of humanity has been created in the image of God, making redemption and transformation possible by grace through personal faith in Jesus Christ’s life, sacrificial death on a cross, and bodily resurrection. All humanity has also inherited, in Adam, a sin nature which makes redemption and transformation necessary. Christian pastoral counseling assists believers to identify biblical core values, aligning them with congruent celebratory worship, obedience, service, and love. Healthy service rests upon spiritually and emotionally healthy servants.  


Denise companions as a soul-care friend. Through focused listening, observations, and careful questions, awareness of God’s presence and His sovereign activity emerges. The focus of spiritual direction is that Christ be formed within, the Father’s love intimately deepened, and the Spirit’s transformation work welcomed and embraced. As this occurs, we are further equipped to lovingly serve in spheres of calling, influence and community.



Healthy service rests upon healthy servants.

restore, renew, and refresh

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